
What are the ways to measure and communicate the impact of transformational creative practices?

The experimental productions (ExPs) deployed in the laboratory and recorded in the observatory will be evaluated in generative and systematic ways, identifying and highlighting a number of factors that are core to harnessing the impact of creative practice in processes of sustainable future making. The identification of signals that these processes are being transformational will contribute to the production of practical guidelines, research reports and policy briefs to be disseminated openly online. The aim of sharing such resources is to cross-fertilise understanding, capacities, and aspirations of diverse individuals and communities.

Insights from CreaTures research and practice will contribute towards an Open Creative Practice (OCP) framework – a transdisciplinary, evidence-based, open-access tool highlighting the strengths of and opportunities for creative practices and the arts in stimulating action towards socially and ecologically sustainable futures. The framework will be discussed and further refined through a series of engagement events, including co-creative workshops and other working assemblies with diverse local stakeholders from across the public, private, not-for-profit, and community sectors.